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plan a visit To saltbox church

We’re looking forward to worshiping with you!

Where to find us

Sundays at 9 am & 11 am
1939 Independence Blvd
Wilmington, NC 28403

Our values

Humble hearts

We believe that Christ Jesus is most powerfully glorified in us as we humble ourselves before him and cultivate authentic relationships with people. We want to build deep authentic connections where we can be known and know others.

1 Peter 5:6, Acts 2:46

Fiercely Relational

We believe that the God of the Bible is relational from Genesis to Revelation. He is most glorified in us and through us when we are most surrendered to him, progressively becoming more intimately acquainted with His person and presence.

Galatians 4:19, John 14:20

Vibrant Worshippers

We believe worship in all its forms and facets is one of the keys to experiencing the fullness of the Lord Jesus formed in each of us.

John 4:23-24

Intelligent in the Word

We believe that life transformation happens most powerfully as we know the God of the Bible, know ourselves within that context, and begin to make applications to every circumstance and relationship in our lives.

John 1:1-5, Acts 17:1

Holy Spirit Empowered

We are all in a discipleship oriented Jesus Journey, seeking the fullness of the life of Jesus, lived in us and through us by the infilling power of the Holy Spirit on a daily basis. We are attempting to practice the presence of the Holy Spirit and allow Him into all of the circumstances of our lives.

John 7:38-39, Acts 2:4

Outward Focused

We believe that the Lord Jesus ministers to those people outside the local church, primarily through the local church. We are seeking to empower Saltbox Church (the body) to engage with people who are far from God through evangelism, personal ministry and service oriented outreach.

Acts 1:8, Luke 19:10, Luke 10:1-3

Equipping People for Ministry

We believe that God has called each of us to a unique purpose. Part of our role as a church is to help people discover that purpose and answer their call to Christian ministry.

Ephesians 4:12

Generous Givers

We believe that God is most glorified in and through us as we learn to generously give of our finances, our time, our resources, and our relationships.

Matthew 20:28, Mark 10:45, Acts 20:35

Creative Innovators

While the character and ministry of King Jesus never changes, the forms and functions by which He reaches any given generation are always shifting and progressing. We will do anything short of sin to reach people with the power and hope of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus.

Acts 2:4

Kingdom Minded

We are growing as a group that seeks and embraces the ever-present reality of the Kingdom of God at work in us "now and in the not yet." We are united with millions of believers around the world, and see our role as part of a whole. We are not focused on building our own castle as much we are focused on building the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.

Matthew 6:10, Mark 1:15

What to expect

When you arrive at Saltbox, you can expect a warm atmosphere where you will be welcomed but given the freedom to choose the pace of your journey. Our volunteers are eager to assist you with anything that you may need help with. Got a question? Head over to our Welcome Table, or ask any of our waiting volunteers. You will find helpful faces, without pushy tactics. If you need a friend, you've got it...but if you need some space, you've got that too!

For your family

When it comes to your children, it’s important to know what to expect. Here is information to provide comfort as you leave your child in our care.

Learn more

What do i wear?

You’ll find everything from casual clothes to business suits in our services. Saltbox is not about what you look like or what you wear. Dress in what is comfortable for you!

your first visit

Our goal is to make you feel welcomed from the moment you pull in the parking lot. Our team will greet you and make sure that you know exactly where to go.

Ask a question

Do you need more information on something? Send us a message.

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frequently asked questions

Find the most asked questions and their answers right here.

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