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Learn about Who We are

We exist to lead people to become fully surrendered disciples of Jesus.

Our Pastors

The Pastoral staff is led by the Senior Pastor. Our Pastors are responsible for setting the course of the church, protecting, feeding and mending it's members, and staying faithful to the vision God has given us for ministry.

Michael Mattis

Senior Pastor

Daniel Walters

Associate Pastor

Brad Lavoie

Student Ministry Pastor

Our Staff

The Saltbox Church staff is primarily made up of members of our congregation who serve us in a variety of ways. They are responsible for developing and executing the game plan that fulfills the vision!

Bill Formy-Duval

Financial Officer

Carole Mayet

Executive Administrator

Daniel Bennet

Worship Director

Pedro Mayet

Facilities Director

Shannon Whitaker

Yellow Truck

Spenser Lewis

Technical Director

Taylor Dunn

Digital Administrator

Erin Tooley

Prayer Ministry Director

Laura Johnson

Kids Ministry Director

Lead team

Our pastors are guided by our Lead Team of church elders. This Lead Team oversees the day-to-day ministry and operations of the church, serves the congregation and are responsible for the development of the spiritual life of the church.

Meg Gemelli

Lead Team

Matt Beatty

Lead Team

Nathan Snell

Lead Team

Protected by trustees

The Trustees are members of the congregation who oversee the finances and direct the provision of the facilities needed by the church. They provide counsel to the Senior Pastor and Pastoral Leadership Team regarding the major financial commitments of the church. The Trustees serve as Non-staff Elders.

Leelee Thames


Youri Nelson


Monica Goza


Josh Whitaker


Jack Andrews


Tim Livingston


Strengthened by overseers

The Overseers are current or retired senior pastors of respected congregations and ministries who love Saltbox Church and are willing to provide spiritual protection to the church. They may be called in to help in accountability matters relating to the Senior Pastor if requested by the Pastors or Trustees. The Overseers serve as Apostolic Elders.

Rev. Randy Thornton

Grace Church Southern Pines, NC

Rev. Steve Mattis

Retired Senior Pastor and Church Planter

Rev. Clifford Barnett

Warner Temple Wilmington, NC

Rev. Jim Snider

Counselor Mind Matters and Retired Senior Pastor

Dr. Allen Holmes

Definition Church Greensboro, NC

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